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Are you Schnizzin? Well if you aren’t, then we aren’t living! OK, I bet 100% of the people out there are not Schnizzin right now, but I am! A little…

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Reply to all

A few of us Smart Dolphins folk watched a webinar a few weeks ago on how to institute change in the workplace.  During one of the examples given in the…

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Microsoft phone scam

A client recently alerted us about a phone scam that could have impacted them – if they hadn’t already heard about this scam happening to another local business in town….

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The “Cloud”

The “Cloud” are two words are whizzing around the business world at a frantic pace. Everyone is talking about this as “the next big thing.” Let us help you clear…

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DDOS Attack On March 14th

A service provider we utilize was recently targeted by what is referred to as a Distributed Denial Of Service attack, or DDOS for short. A DDOS attack involves flooding a…

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Business IT Poison

Business IT problems are business poison. They are toxic. Not only do you have to spend resources dealing with them, but more importantly, you also have the opportunity cost(s) of…

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Indecision Our fearless leader recently made the decision to get all of his tireless, dedicated, and amazing employees new smartphones (Thanks Dave!). For the majority of us the decision of…

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Outsourced IT support – operational changes

In September, we made a very significant change to our business by partnering with LiveVHD and having them serve the “Tier 1” support role for our customers. All our reactive…

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What Are Centralized Services, Anyway?

What are centralized services, anyway?

This is a question that we hear a lot. Our prospects have not heard the term before and our existing clients need it redefined. It is no surprise that these…

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