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Dropbox for small businesses

Dropbox has the ability to share files and folders. From your own Dropbox you can create and share a folder with other Dropbox users. This allows for easy collaboration on…

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Shallows – Again

I just finished reading Shallows after hearing Dave’s recommendation earlier this month. What a great read. Shallows really speaks to me. I’ve noticed and commented to various people over the…

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Dropbox – The Basics (Part 1 of 2)

As nerds, we scout out any and all tools that might make our tech lives easier.  Why hoard these tools?  Here’s just one of the gems that we love to…

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Don’t shoot the messenger

There is one particular conversation I get myself into which often results in dirty looks and disbelief coming my way. This would be the age old debate about Macs and…

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I’ve mentioned before that I’m a book junkie. In a perfect world, I would read at least one book per week. In the world I live in, I only get…

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Unsecured Wifi

Ah, wireless internet, not just a convenience these days but a necessity. How far into the woods would you need to go to not find any wireless networks? Better yet,…

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A Tectorian in Tectoria

I live in Tectoria. I am an Tectorian. Smart Dolphins has been an involved VIATeC member for a lot of years and proud to be so (we were 2008 VIATeC…

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Slaughter IT Risks

Let’s assume you’ve been in business for a long time. Let’s assume that is because your company is reasonably profitable and it is supporting at least a comfortable lifestyle for…

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I’m Not a Tech

Before I started Smart Dolphins, I remember talking to my Dad about wanting to start a business. I was a little stymied because I didn’t know which of my skills…

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