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Switching IT support companies

I met with “someone” recently and discussed with them making the switch to using Smart Dolphins for their IT support. The meeting went really well. The company was in growth…

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September IT revamp

September 1st marks a new fiscal year for Smart Dolphins. We wipe the slate clean and start over again. What will we accomplish this year? What will we learn? What…

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Welcome home helpdesk

Almost a year ago, Smart Dolphins outsourced our tier-one reactive service. In other words, all our initial reactive service that our clients required was done outside of our office. We’re…

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The mistakes of hopeful job seekers

We’re looking for a new tech support dolphin, as is no secret, and for a variety of reasons I have been far more involved in the hiring process than I…

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IT Support costs

Not the cheapest IT support company

I can’t say this as fact, but I am pretty sure Smart Dolphins charges more than most of our competitors. Scary stuff to say publicaly, no? Well, I am also…

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Turn “Creme brulee” into “Crème brûlée”

Ever wanted to pretend you spoke French by means of inserting fancy accents in your iPhone emails and text messages?  Maintenant vous pouvez (now you can) with this quick tip!…

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PDF print

Use a virtual printer to create your own PDF documents with this quick tip! PDF (Portable Document Format) is a file format that isn’t going away any time soon, and…

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Why you need an IT audit

Business professionals who we approach as prospective clients are hesitant to talk with us about helping them. They often tell us, “our IT is fine.” Sometimes the root source of…

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That Pesky Windows Key

Most people curse the Windows key and its awkward placement on their keyboards, but it can actually be quite useful if you understand how to use it. Here are a…

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