
Smart Cybersecurity

August 31, 2016

Kaspersky Labs recently reported a 17.7% global increase in ransomware between April 2015 and March 2016. This steady spread and rapid evolution of ransomware means businesses today require a multi-layered approach to IT security. What security essentials does your organization have in place? Weak IT security increases your organizations’ network to risks which can result…

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Types of viruses

December 4, 2014

In this video, vCIO Ty Hedden outlines different types of computer viruses. A virus simply put in a malicious piece of software that can steal your personal information or data and take control of your computer to run malicious tasks in the background. Types Spyware Botnets Ransomware Greyware If you are a Vancouver Island business…

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Why passwords matter?

November 6, 2014

More and more of our personal information is protected by passwords: Your email account, your banking information, your online shopping accounts etc. Why do we use passwords? To protect our personal information and data. Why do passwords matter? Anyone who has your password can: Read your email Find your home address Get your bank or…

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Two-step verification

January 18, 2012

Security is a funny thing, more of an illusion most of the time, shattered into pieces when a critical system is compromised. For most of us email is the weakest link, an opening to the rest of the things we need to keep secure. What damage could be done by somebody with access to your…

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DDOS Attack On March 14th

March 15, 2011

A service provider we utilize was recently targeted by what is referred to as a Distributed Denial Of Service attack, or DDOS for short. A DDOS attack involves flooding a server (or network) with so many packets of information that it renders the server inoperative. Think of it in terms of a telephone switchboard. An…

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Save the Data

December 8, 2010

Data loss incurred by Canadian organizations has grown exponentially since 2012. I am sure I do not need to use scare tactics to educate the business community about the importance of preserving irreplaceable data. We have all heard it. Many of us have lost data or at least had some kind of scare. So why…

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