

May 13, 2011

I’ve mentioned before that I’m a book junkie. In a perfect world, I would read at least one book per week. In the world I live in, I only get through one or two per month. That is still probably more than most people, I suppose. I’m typically driven by curiosity and a drive to…

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A Tectorian in Tectoria

April 29, 2011

I live in Tectoria. I am an Tectorian. Smart Dolphins has been an involved VIATeC member for a lot of years and proud to be so (we were 2008 VIATeC Member of the Year, by the way). You know you are part of a great group/community when the community is defined by its members AND…

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Slaughter IT Risks

April 21, 2011

Let’s assume you’ve been in business for a long time. Let’s assume that is because your company is reasonably profitable and it is supporting at least a comfortable lifestyle for you and your family. If that is the case in BC, where it costs a lot to live a comfortable life, you have a very…

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I’m Not a Tech

April 19, 2011

Before I started Smart Dolphins, I remember talking to my Dad about wanting to start a business. I was a little stymied because I didn’t know which of my skills would be worthy of taking to market. My Dad’s sage advice was, “you can always hire any skills you need in your business, so just…

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April 5, 2011

Are you Schnizzin? Well if you aren’t, then we aren’t living! OK, I bet 100% of the people out there are not Schnizzin right now, but I am! A little less than a year ago I went to a conference aptly called Schnizzfest in Philadelphia to represent Smart Dolphins with a smiling face and a…

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Reply to all

April 1, 2011

A few of us Smart Dolphins folk watched a webinar a few weeks ago on how to institute change in the workplace.  During one of the examples given in the webinar, the presenter suggested that Microsoft should remove the Reply to All button from Outlook. His thinking is that by the removal of this button,…

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The “Cloud”

March 17, 2011

The “Cloud” are two words are whizzing around the business world at a frantic pace. Everyone is talking about this as “the next big thing.” Let us help you clear the fog about the “cloud.” What I find extra-interesting is how vague this concept is, despite how popular the topic is and how simple it…

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DDOS Attack On March 14th

March 15, 2011

A service provider we utilize was recently targeted by what is referred to as a Distributed Denial Of Service attack, or DDOS for short. A DDOS attack involves flooding a server (or network) with so many packets of information that it renders the server inoperative. Think of it in terms of a telephone switchboard. An…

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Business IT Poison

March 10, 2011

Business IT problems are business poison. They are toxic. Not only do you have to spend resources dealing with them, but more importantly, you also have the opportunity cost(s) of what could have been accomplished with your business without these problems. These opportunity costs are so often overlooked at an incredible cost. Of course, this…

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Outsourced IT support – operational changes

February 17, 2011

In September, we made a very significant change to our business by partnering with LiveVHD and having them serve the “Tier 1” support role for our customers. All our reactive support requests go to them first and they are tasked with either completing the required work or escalating the work to our tier 2 support…

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