
IT services to combat technology volatility

March 11, 2015

There is a common misconception that technology should really continue to work, like new, for a long time. Yet, we all have experiences of how technology degrades and breaks with time.

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February 12, 2015

I think I best reveal a secret: I’m not as Smart as I’ve let on. Okay, well, maybe that isn’t much of a secret. I’ve bragged recently about changes to our IT support fees and shared some of the stuff we have done to be more successful. Well, I’m here to admit that I might…

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We are Moving!

January 28, 2015

Smart Dolphins is migrating to a new home. On March 1st we will be calling Unit #303 3995 Quadra Street home. This address is better known as Saanich Centre, at Quadra and McKenzie and is home to Thrifty Foods, Starbucks, London Drugs, etc. Why a retail centre, you might ask (given we’re not a retail business)? Many…

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Fixed IT support fees

January 7, 2015

In 2015, we underwent an operational renovation where we began to charge a fixed monthly IT support fee. At that time, the vital part of our renovation was to change our arrangements with our customers to a fixed, “all-inclusive” monthly fee. This, as opposed to charging a fee that was simply based on the amount of work that we did, for example, an hourly rate. …

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IT helpdesk changes

December 16, 2014

In a recent blog, I shared that Smart Dolphins IT Solutions has undergone an operational renovation over the past few years. A business-friend replied to this post: “Ok, that sounds good, but what did you actually DO during the renovation? What fundamental changes in philosophy and process do you make? Not trying to challenge you…

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How IT impacts culture

December 3, 2014

We believe that great IT positively impacts company culture. Company culture is an overworked buzzword, but there is good reason for this. Organizations live and die by how well they coordinate their people to do valuable things for the world. The difference between success and failure is so often driven by the emotion the people…

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World-class IT support

November 21, 2014

Smart Dolphins has morphed a lot over the past few years. It might not be clear to the outside world, but we have undergone a major transformation and have found a great deal more success as a result. Our business has never been more sustainable and our customers have never been as happy. I’m confident…

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October 1, 2014

If you’ve been reading (or watching) the news lately, you may have heard of a new security vulnerability called Shellshock. You may have also heard that it’s very serious. But what is it really, and how does it affect you? How serious is it? The Shellshock vulnerability lets an attacker execute arbitrary code on an…

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Outsourced IT leadership

December 12, 2012

For businesses that are in the small-to-medium-sized (SMB) category (25 to 100 computers, 25 to 100 employees or a mix), the IT labour requirements of their computer network can be quite significant. And that significance can be enough for consideration to be given to the idea of hiring a full-time employee to dedicate to the various IT support roles.  The question here is, is that the right way to go for your business? It may…

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Internal IT cost

December 5, 2012

For larger small businesses (25 to 100 computers/employees), the IT labour requirements of their computer network can be significant enough that consideration is given to hiring a full time employee to dedicate to the IT Support roles. The alternatives are having an in-house employee support the organization on a part time basis, while also serving…

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