
MSP Pioneer 250 List!

February 15, 2017

Yesterday, CRN®, a brand of The Channel Company, named Smart Dolphins IT Solutions on its 2017 Managed Service Provider (MSP) 500 list in the Pioneer category. This annual list recognizes North American solution providers with cutting-edge approaches to delivering managed services. Their offerings help companies navigate the complex and ever-changing landscape of IT, improve operational…

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Our Podtionary

January 23, 2017

You’ve probably seen our smart cars with fins cruising around BC or maybe even met a Dolphin or two over the years. Not surprisingly, our references to one particular aquatic mammal doesn’t stop there. We’ve developed an entire PODTIONARY and we thought we’d share some of it with you… All Fins – A bi-weekly meeting…

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Free up space on your iPhone!

January 17, 2017

If you’re an iPhone user, you may find that over time, even if you do not add more apps or videos, you start to run low on available space. The culprit particularly with social media apps and text message/imessage is something stored called “Documents and Data.” You can clear your documents and data with this…

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Smart Dolphins IT helpdesk

November 17, 2016

The service desk is the most familiar department of the IT support business. A client contacts a service desk representative when they perceive a need, usually when something is broken or when there is a change in the business (i.e. a computer is added to the network for a new hire). The mission of the…

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The Rise of Ransomware

October 19, 2016

Ransomware is generally defined as malicious software that infects your computer and denies you access to your computer or files until you pay a ransom. Millions of ransomware infections are reported every year. Organizations today, require a multifaceted IT security program that is regularly evaluated and re-adjusted. The Challenge Smart Dolphins manages the IT networks…

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Secure Facebook with Two-Factor Authentication

October 11, 2016

It’s October, cybersecurity awareness month so we thought we would share a simple security tip. Facebook accounts get hacked everyday. Secure your Facebook with Two-factor authentication. Here’s how to enable Facebook’s built-in authenticator:     Login and click on account settings     Select security     Edit login approvals     Select require a security code to access…

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Speakit! for Chrome

September 20, 2016

Convert Text-to-Speech with Speakit! for Chrome Busy but want to get an article read? Need to do some multi-tasking while staying productive? Have an article read aloud to you with SpeakIt! for Chrome. Simply install, highlight the text that you want read on any web page, right click and choose SpeakIt! You can even pause…

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Smart Cybersecurity

August 31, 2016

Kaspersky Labs recently reported a 17.7% global increase in ransomware between April 2015 and March 2016. This steady spread and rapid evolution of ransomware means businesses today require a multi-layered approach to IT security. What security essentials does your organization have in place? Weak IT security increases your organizations’ network to risks which can result…

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Emerging Technologies

August 24, 2016

Nearly all organizations benefit greatly from today’s technology. Getting to tomorrow’s technology is a huge challenge and is becoming extremely complex. The speed of change continues to accelerate while our options widen. IDC expects a 11 per cent shift of budget dollars in Canada toward cloud technologies by the end of 2016. Further, the launch…

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Mobile device shortcuts

August 23, 2016

How many times a day do you type your email address or physical address with your mobile device keyboard? Too many to recall? Well, here’s a tech tip for you: user-created dictionary shortcuts on your mobile device. Save yourself a bit of time by adding frequently used strings (i.e. email addresses, postal codes, URLs etc.)…

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