
What is Shadow IT?

May 31, 2018

Have you heard of shadow IT? If you haven’t, the shady-sounding term, if practiced, may boost or kill productivity in your work environment.   “Shadow IT is the use of IT-related hardware or software by a department or individual without the knowledge of the IT or security group within the organization. It can encompass cloud…

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Office 365 email phishing attack

May 22, 2018

An email phishing scam that exploited Microsoft Office 365 has recently come to our attention. Last week, a local bookkeeper’s email account was hacked. Here’s the timeline and a summary of events: On Friday, the bookkeeper received an email from someone that she was expecting a message from. She thought it looked fishy, so she replied to…

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Is your Business Ready for Changes to Data Breach Regulations?

May 17, 2018

The Government of Canada published the final version of its breach of security safeguards regulations on April 18, 2018 as an amendment to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) of 2000. Starting Nov. 1, 2018, PIPEDA will require organizations that suffer a data breach involving personal information to: Report the breach to the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.…

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How IT impacts productivity

May 1, 2018

Productivity While there are still many “old school” law firms, technology is pervasive at Pearlman Lindholm. With 16 busy lawyers and many more supporting staff, the diverse and progressive firm has many technology elements that Smart Dolphins has integrated and supported. Firm-wide downtime would be costly with over 40 people utilizing the network. Also, recurring…

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IT Budgets

April 25, 2018

Over the years, we’ve met with hundreds of Vancouver Island’s business leaders and the cost of IT services is always top-of-mind. Small-to-medium sized businesses are either in a position where they are spending too much and not getting results, or they aren’t allocating any resources to technology and IT has little impact. In both scenarios,…

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Why choose managed IT?

April 18, 2018

Smart Dolphins is a unique managed IT service provider. We offer a lot more than your typical IT support company. We drive success by leveraging technology and how we do this is what sets us apart from other IT support businesses on Vancouver Island. IT leadership Smart Dolphins provides a comprehensive IT solution that every…

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World Backup Day

March 22, 2018

This Saturday, March 31st is World Backup Day. ​Is your small business prepared? A simple backup is no longer sufficient to support your business when disaster strikes. Weather disasters, fires, power outages and human error can all result in data loss. Data backup is one of the most common examples of risk oversight in businesses…

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Spectre and Meltdown

January 18, 2018

Recent threats have surfaced known as ‘Spectre’ and ‘Meltdown.’ These vulnerabilities could exploit modern processors. We wanted to take a moment to share some important details of these vulnerabilities so that you can ensure that your business is not at risk. Spectre and Meltdown are the names given to different variants of the same vulnerability.…

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Traditional vs. intelligent backup?

December 11, 2017

What is the difference between Traditional vs. Intelligent Data Backup?   Most businesses today are still using a traditional data backup solution. Unfortunately, these older data backup solutions are no longer sufficient. We have come up with this list to highlight some of the key differences between traditional and intelligent backups.  #1 Recovery Time In…

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Why outsource your IT?

December 5, 2017

There are a variety of reasons why organizations outsource their IT. Here’s some key factors to help you decide what’s best for your business. Productivity With managed IT services, professionals are no longer in the “IT business.” Key employees can focus on core competencies instead of the day-to-day IT management. This frees up time for…

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