
Getting started with Microsoft Teams

March 2, 2020

What do I need to get started with Microsoft Teams? With Microsoft Teams becoming increasingly popular with small business we are finding that many business leaders are wanting to dive in but are unsure of what they need in place before they can create their first Team. Microsoft Teams is part of the Office 365…

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Watch out for ‘Norton LifeLock’ Messages

February 27, 2020

A new and aggressive email phishing campaign has been spreading rapidly since January. The message contains a document with macro that will install a malicious remote access tool on the end-user’s computer. If you receive a document in a message with an urgent request do not continue and close the message immediately. You will never…

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Microsoft Teams: The Hub for Teamwork

February 25, 2020

The way we work is changing. Our work today is much more team-based and collaborative with many more remote workers than previous generations. Because of these changes, we need tools that “work the way we do.” Microsoft Teams is the hub for teamwork, where you can communicate, collaborate and store files. With Teams, you can…

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Beware of email phishing requests

February 21, 2020

Reduce exposure to spear fishing Spear phishing is alive and well and hackers are targeting our business community in sleepy Victoria, BC. Hackers lurk in the shadows targeting local businesses. They watch and wait for the most opportune time to prey upon them.  Recently a manager’s email account of a well-known, and professional Victoria-based business…

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Why Encryption?

February 14, 2020

Encryption transforms data into a locked format that cannot be read without a key. You can encrypt stored data, data en route for communications and devices that may be used for storage. To unlock encrypted data, you need a key. Encryption is the best defense against unwanted use of data, before and/or after it is…

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The rogue IT Admin

February 13, 2020

74% of data breaches involved privileged credential abuse.  Who has access to private data at your business? What policies do you have in place to ensure that your internal IT department is accountable? When it comes to user access, every organization needs to: Limit privileged access. Ensure restricted access to: infrastructure, databases, network devices, cloud…

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Secure your mobile devices

January 23, 2020

Most businesses today often require employees to work remotely with mobile phones, tablets and other devices. Many professionals are using these devices at home and connecting to public wifi.   Here’s 5 quick tips for basic protection to keep your mobile device secure:   1. Lock your screen. Consider this your first line of defense.…

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Use a password manager

November 27, 2019

Are you getting fed up with all of the passwords you have to manage? Are you perpetually reusing the same password? Well, you are not alone! Our Virtual Chief Information Officers (vCIOs) have been getting a lot of questions lately from our clients about password managers. Our clients want to know how they can better…

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Another Massive Breach…

November 26, 2019

Big data breaches are happening much more frequently than ever before. The latest is the People Data Labs (PDLs) breach that occurred on October, 16 2019. Detected by security researchers, Vinny Troia and Bob Diachenko, the breached exposed 1.2 billion people and included information such as, email addresses, employers, geographic locations, job titles, names, telephone…

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Shadow IT

November 21, 2019

Shadow IT is likely a new term for most of us. It refers to technology, usually software or devices, introduced and used outside the awareness or control of IT management.

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