
Don’t let your guard down

April 21, 2020

Phishing emails make it through our spam filter, and it would probably get through yours. Unfortunately, there is only so much you can do technologically to block spam, phishing and spear phishing emails. Here are a few ways that you can protect your team from these threats: • Use an email filtering service that relies…

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Increase your home Internet speed

April 21, 2020

Are you working from home right now? Chances are, you could be getting a better connection out of your home Internet connection with these simple tips. First things first, get a benchmark of what your current Internet speed is. Go to and perform a quick test of your Internet speed. It’s free, easy and…

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Covid-19 business survey

April 9, 2020

My crystal ball has never been that trustworthy, but I could sure use a little clairvoyance right about now. How about you? We all wish we had a better sense of what the future holds for our business community, as we all go flying through this Covid-19 crisis. Obviously, there is not much historical context…

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Microsoft Teams: The Game Changer

April 8, 2020

Smart Dolphins has been pumped about Microsoft Teams for a while now. I am sure many have heard some of the fanfare, so I won’t repeat the general propaganda here. What I would like to offer is my view on Teams from a leadership perspective. We are encouraging our clients and the greater business community…

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Password-protect your Zoom Meetings

April 7, 2020

As many businesses have experienced, Covid-19 forced us to quickly make a shift in the way that we conduct business. By mid-March, we moved all our in-person training sessions online. While we have been using Teams internally with great success and have provided extensive training in Teams, Excel, and cybersecurity, we have had little experience…

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Security and Remote Work

March 23, 2020

Businesses that can operate remotely are moving in that direction. At Smart Dolphins, we saw many Vancouver Island employers request that employees begin remote work last week. Some organizations are still in the process of transitioning to a work-from-home environment. Here’s Smart Dolphins’ top three tips on how to ensure that remote work is setup securely.   #1 – Begin with a business-wide security policy. Every…

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Covid-19 IT consulting

March 23, 2020

This is a difficult time and we are all trying to do everything we can to help each other. As might be expected, the POD at Smart Dolphins is very busy assisting clients with their transition to working from home in a safe and productive way. We are also sharing timely and valuable information with…

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Remote work malware

March 20, 2020

At this time, we are witnessing a much higher risk of phishing and other cybersecurity attacks. Currently, most Covid-19 specific malware attacks are emanating from websites and social media in an effort to take advantage of the situation. Some of these threats are very malicious and suspected to be made by nation-state actors.Please take extra…

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Smart Dolphins Covid-19 Guidance

March 16, 2020

Covid-19 has rushed into our lives and it is challenging to know exactly how to respond as a business leader. At Smart Dolphins, we have the responsibility to service our clients and continue to support the POD that serves them. We also need to safeguard our community from this serious and poorly-understood risk. I’d like to offer a few points…

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CVE-2020-0688 Alert

March 12, 2020

On Monday, March 10th, Microsoft announced that a recent vulnerability known as CVE-2020-0688 was actively being used by attackers to run commands as SYSTEM on Exchange mail servers. This provided them with the ability to gain full access to the server and potentially overrun the entire domain. It was also noted that attacks were being…

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