Posts written by:

Mariola Czerkawska

World Backup Day

March 22, 2018

This Saturday, March 31st is World Backup Day. ​Is your small business prepared? A simple backup is no longer sufficient to support your business when disaster strikes. Weather disasters, fires, power outages and human error can all result in data loss. Data backup is one of the most common examples of risk oversight in businesses…

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Traditional vs. intelligent backup?

December 11, 2017

What is the difference between Traditional vs. Intelligent Data Backup?   Most businesses today are still using a traditional data backup solution. Unfortunately, these older data backup solutions are no longer sufficient. We have come up with this list to highlight some of the key differences between traditional and intelligent backups.  #1 Recovery Time In…

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Why outsource your IT?

December 5, 2017

There are a variety of reasons why organizations outsource their IT. Here’s some key factors to help you decide what’s best for your business. Productivity With managed IT services, professionals are no longer in the “IT business.” Key employees can focus on core competencies instead of the day-to-day IT management. This frees up time for…

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Working Remotely from home or abroad?

October 31, 2017

Commuting to an office every day is a thing of the past. Fully remote work is becoming more common. With the freedom and benefits accessible to you when you’re working remotely from home, what’s not to love? So, you’re set you up with remote access and now you’re sitting pretty (with no awful commute). You…

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Smart Dolphins new website

August 31, 2017

During our first quarterly planning meeting of this year, we decided that our website needed a complete overhaul. We’ve always developed and managed our website internally with poor results, so this time around, we knew that we had to outsource the project to experts. I used a tool called Wayback Machine to explore the evolution…

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Helmsman Group IT investment

July 31, 2017

Helmsman Management is a leading Vancouver Island asset management and consulting firm. Founded in 2014, Helmsman’s key area of expertise include: financing, strategic analysis and risk management.   The Challenge Helmsman’s dated IT infrastructure needed a complete overhaul to increase efficiency, reduce their IT costs and simplify their network.   The Solution Helmsman’s business is…

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6 Years of tech tips

May 24, 2017

Happy anniversary Pod Pointers! Six years ago today, our tech tip blog was born. We’ve shared tech tips on everything from network security to business continuity to productivity apps and more. We’ve produced over 150 Pod Pointers. How do we do it? Every other week, Dolphins produce short tech tip summaries. We review, edit and…

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What is WannaCry?

May 16, 2017

WannaCry is a new ransomware that uses links to execute code which infects the local computer. You’ll receive an email that looks legitimate, but has a link to malware instead. Once this ransomware has infected a computer on the network, it will attempt to spread to other computers. We would like to remind every computer…

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Outstanding workplace of the year

April 27, 2017

We’re thrilled to announce our selection as the winner of the 2017 Greater Victoria Business Award in the Outstanding Workplace of the Year category! “Smart Dolphins is a rare place. Everybody here absolutely loves their jobs, the company, and the atmosphere,” says Jesse Smith, Operations Manager of Smart Dolphins. “I have to constantly remind myself…

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Kelowna meet Danny

March 20, 2017

Did you know that Smart Dolphins is open for business in Kelowna? When we first saw the Dolphin sculpture, we knew that Kelowna was a Dolphin-friendly town. We can’t wait to move into our new aquatic-themed office on Dolphin Ave. But, enough about Dolphins! Meet the talent behind our Kelowna team: Danny Tew. Danny has…

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