Posts written by:

Dave Monahan

The importance of IT process

November 29, 2021

Success in IT requires adhering to process. It is all too common for organizations who have employed one tech professional to lack process. On rare occasions, some businesses can hire IT professionals who may bring plenty of skills and experience to the company — there are many strong IT people around. And these individuals can bring…

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Internal or outsourced IT

November 18, 2021

First off, let’s define — from a Managed Service Provider’s (MSP) perspective — what is a small to medium-sized business (SMB). There is a range to what we consider to be a SMB. From our perspective 100-plus computers or computer users is trending toward the large category and may require a co-managed model of IT…

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Get a docking station

November 12, 2021

I meet with many business professionals who often have nice laptops. Docking stations used to be expensive but they have come down in price. They can really do a lot for busy, productive professionals and will quickly pay for themselves.  I think the reason why I don’t see many docking stations on professional’s desks is because most people don’t really…

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Over-investing in IT

October 19, 2021

Over-investing in IT: should you hire or partner? We previously mentioned (in a blog post) that an organization can be of a size where their IT investment may be difficult to reconcile. The question they must ask themselves and their cohorts is, “do we hire a full-time, or part-time person or do we hire an outside company?”…

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The value of technology training

September 27, 2021

As business leaders, we are responsible for the ongoing success of both our company and its teams. We also play a role in the business community that we strive to help make healthy, strong, and sustainable. And, we must stay competitive by growing our own talent. Learning is particularly critical in a world where competitive…

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Optimize your business IT

August 11, 2021

If you operate a business dependent on IT, you are already investing in IT, whether that investment is in internal IT or with an outside IT service provider, you are investing. Partnering with a managed IT service provider can best optimize your technology investment. Perhaps you are asking yourself, how can we operate more efficiently,…

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Building a hybrid workplace

July 28, 2021

I just walked down the hall and it struck me that there are a lot of Dolphins in our office again. Seeing people’s chins again (no masks) is starting to feel a bit more normal in the office. It is exciting and great to connect again in the real world, like it was pre-pandemic. Smart…

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IT support response time

July 20, 2021

Have you ever thought that the response times you experience with your internal IT personnel, outsourced IT support company or Managed IT Service Provider (MSP) are currently or have been slower than your expectations?  Do you end up listening to voicemail every time you experience a minor IT problem? Tired of that?  Did you know that there are global…

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Smart Dolphins is hiring!

April 30, 2021

Rising Star needed for new business   Smart Dolphins IT Solutions is looking for a very special person to help build our new business PoplarMSP. A detailed job description can be found here. We are seeking to build PoplarMSP into something truly remarkable long-term. This is an opportunity of a lifetime for the right person…

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April 6, 2021

Previously I shared how Smart Dolphins IT Solutions started down a new path of offering technology training to the Vancouver Island business community. It has been about two years since we started this business unit and I estimate we’ve had over 1000 learners attend Smart Dolphins training sessions. We have had over 400 attendees at…

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