Posts written by:

Dave Monahan

Switching IT support companies

September 16, 2011

I met with “someone” recently and discussed with them making the switch to using Smart Dolphins for their IT support. The meeting went really well. The company was in growth mode and was transitioning to a new level in many ways. Their existing IT support had been coming from a friend. This friend was doing…

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September IT revamp

September 2, 2011

September 1st marks a new fiscal year for Smart Dolphins. We wipe the slate clean and start over again. What will we accomplish this year? What will we learn? What new companies will join the Smart Dolphins family in the next year? What challenges and set back await? September is also the bang of the…

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Welcome home helpdesk

August 26, 2011

Almost a year ago, Smart Dolphins outsourced our tier-one reactive service. In other words, all our initial reactive service that our clients required was done outside of our office. We’re now really excited to announce that on September 1st of this year, that role will be coming back in-house. I am a firm believer in…

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Not the cheapest IT support company

August 17, 2011

I can’t say this as fact, but I am pretty sure Smart Dolphins charges more than most of our competitors. Scary stuff to say publicaly, no? Well, I am also confident that Smart Dolphins also lowers our clients’ IT costs more than our competitors. “Huh?”, you say. A company’s IT costs go well beyond an…

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Why you need an IT audit

July 8, 2011

Business professionals who we approach as prospective clients are hesitant to talk with us about helping them. They often tell us, “our IT is fine.” Sometimes the root source of this attitude is a fear of what is “under the hood” (i.e., what will they find? What will it mean? What will that cost? Do…

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May 13, 2011

I’ve mentioned before that I’m a book junkie. In a perfect world, I would read at least one book per week. In the world I live in, I only get through one or two per month. That is still probably more than most people, I suppose. I’m typically driven by curiosity and a drive to…

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A Tectorian in Tectoria

April 29, 2011

I live in Tectoria. I am an Tectorian. Smart Dolphins has been an involved VIATeC member for a lot of years and proud to be so (we were 2008 VIATeC Member of the Year, by the way). You know you are part of a great group/community when the community is defined by its members AND…

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Slaughter IT Risks

April 21, 2011

Let’s assume you’ve been in business for a long time. Let’s assume that is because your company is reasonably profitable and it is supporting at least a comfortable lifestyle for you and your family. If that is the case in BC, where it costs a lot to live a comfortable life, you have a very…

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I’m Not a Tech

April 19, 2011

Before I started Smart Dolphins, I remember talking to my Dad about wanting to start a business. I was a little stymied because I didn’t know which of my skills would be worthy of taking to market. My Dad’s sage advice was, “you can always hire any skills you need in your business, so just…

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The “Cloud”

March 17, 2011

The “Cloud” are two words are whizzing around the business world at a frantic pace. Everyone is talking about this as “the next big thing.” Let us help you clear the fog about the “cloud.” What I find extra-interesting is how vague this concept is, despite how popular the topic is and how simple it…

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