Posts written by:

Dave Monahan

What is IT Empowerment?

November 14, 2023

The paradigm shift of better IT affects any company that wants to elevate its operational maturity level, regardless of the starting point. This is becoming a competitive imperative, given the benefits.

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What is Modern IT?

October 24, 2023

The paradigm shift of better IT affects any company that wants to elevate its operational maturity level, regardless of the starting point. This is becoming a competitive imperative, given the benefits.

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What is a Managed Service Provider (MSP)?

September 1, 2023

We’ve met with hundreds of organizations to explore their IT needs, and very few have come to us actively using the term “Managed Service Provider” (MSP) as a descriptor of what they’re looking for. This term needs to be better understood. Yet the IT service industry actively uses “MSP” to try to describe their offerings.…

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Empowering KidSport with Modern IT

May 17, 2023

The paradigm shift of better IT affects any company that wants to elevate its operational maturity level, regardless of the starting point. This is becoming a competitive imperative, given the benefits.

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Happy Birthday Smart Dolphins!

May 9, 2023

The paradigm shift of better IT affects any company that wants to elevate its operational maturity level, regardless of the starting point. This is becoming a competitive imperative, given the benefits.

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We don’t know what we don’t know

April 14, 2023

The paradigm shift of better IT affects any company that wants to elevate its operational maturity level, regardless of the starting point. This is becoming a competitive imperative, given the benefits.

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How to navigate the paradigm shift of better IT

December 26, 2022

The paradigm shift of better IT affects any company that wants to elevate its operational maturity level, regardless of the starting point. This is becoming a competitive imperative, given the benefits.

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Smart Dolphins IT is servicing Greater Vancouver

April 1, 2022

Smart Dolphins IT has started servicing businesses located in the Greater Vancouver area. We have talked about geographical expansion for years, so this is an exciting new development. Why now? A dramatic transformation is happening in business and IT; Smart Dolphins IT has a critical role in this transformation. Vancouver is an important strategic decision…

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Attracting and retaining IT talent

January 19, 2022

Smart Dolphins continues to push knowledge growth in a hyper competitive world of talent warfare. Without a doubt, 2022 will be another entertaining year in the world of business. This is top-of-mind for us as we are in the midst of our annual planning. As always, we are taking a step back to reflect on…

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Recruiting with Microsoft Teams

December 29, 2021

We share a lot of resources on how technology enables better business, but we have not shared a lot about how we use technology in specific business processes. At Smart Dolphins, we use Microsoft 365 apps to enhance our efficiency during recruitment. We are growing and have gone through several rounds of remote recruiting during…

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