IT support professionals

I’m sorry. I’m sorry to many of the business leaders that I have met with in the past to talk about Smart Dolphins and your technology. I’ve done many of you a disservice. I have let you down and it probably will cost you thousands of dollars and much frustration. I have begun to see…

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Two-step verification

Security is a funny thing, more of an illusion most of the time, shattered into pieces when a critical system is compromised. For most of us email is the weakest link, an opening to the rest of the things we need to keep secure. What damage could be done by somebody with access to your…

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Outlook tips and tricks

Outlook email delay Delay delivery of that delicate Outlook email! Want to send an email, but don’t want it to be delivered right away?  Choose when, with delayed delivery! To choose when an email gets sent: – From inside the email, choose Options – Click Delay Delivery (in more options) – Choose the time you…

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Backup your data

Backup systems and car purchases; a little comparison  Have you ever heard the saying “I just drive a car to get to get from point A to point B?” This is almost never true. The truth is that we factor all kinds of decisions into our vehicle purchases.  For example, safety is important. We will be packing our families and or pets or friends into these vehicles. We want…

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Reopen that tab!

If you’ve accidentally closed a tab in your browser, most modern browsers let you reopen that tab with this command: CTRL + SHIFT + T Run the command again and it will open the tab that you closed before that.  And so on. That’s it, that’s all!  If you’re itching for more great tips, look…

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