Happy Birthday tech tips

One year ago today, tech tips aka Pod Pointers were born! Have we changed the world yet? Personally, I think we have. We certainly have received great feedback from many people – thanks for this. I’m sure each Point Pointer has helped save one or more people money, time and frustration. Cool. And isn’t that…

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VIATeC Finalist – Employer of the Year

In 2008, Smart Dolphins was crowned “Member of the Year” by VIATeC. We are huge proponents of VIATeC so this was a big honour. In fact, we still promote this wonderful recognition in our email signatures to this day. Hopefully, we’ll be changing our email signatures soon… We are very excited to announce that we…

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GVCC Awards – Runner Up

For those that haven’t heard the news: we finished in the runner up spot in the GVCC Awards. The winner in our category was our good friends at Cairnview. Congratulations to Cairnview for the well-deserved recognition! And, of course, congratulations to all the winners in all categories. A special congratulations to Terry Farmer for his…

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Microsoft Word tip

Who has time to indent, anyway? If you’re as busy as I am you like to save time anywhere possible.  Don’t waste any more time hitting tab to manually indent paragraphs in Microsoft Word – try this instead: For newer versions of Microsoft Word: Find the Paragraph section on the ribbon Click on the small…

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IT support leadership

People and companies have a tendency to repeat patterns. Some patterns are positive and helpful; others, not so much. I meet with a lot of business leaders who are in a lot of pain when it comes to their IT. There is lots of evidence of their pain when we dig in and examine their…

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Thanks Jim!

As a part of our ongoing bragging about being an Award Finalist for this year’s GVCC Awards, I’d like to share another letter of support from my mentor and good friend, Jim Ralph (former president of Roger’s Chocolates):   February 6, 2012 The Selection Committee 2012 Business Awards Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce Dear Committee…

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Kind Words from Hansbraun

As mentioned last week, we have been honoured as a finalist for the GVCC annual awards for the “Business of the Year (11-25 Employees)”. As part of the application process, each nominee submission could be accompanied by Letters of Support. Receiving these letters was one of the most rewarding parts of this process. Over the…

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Greater Victoria Business Awards

We’re finalists! Smart Dolphins has been chosen as one of two finalists (cheers to our companions for this honour: Cairnview Mechanical) for the Annual Greater Victoria Business Awards. We are up for the Business of the Year Award (11-25 employees). We were runner up for this award in 2008 – could this be our year?…

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Backup – an investment, NOT an expense

Last week I called a doctor’s office of which I am not an existing patient and I booked an appointment for 9 am this morning. When I showed up they had no record of me. Apparently, they suffered a major computer crash a couple of days earlier and lost at least a couple of days’…

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Proactive IT services

I’m not sure you’ve heard, but Smart Dolphins is proactive in our approach to IT management. What does Proactive mean? Proactive means doing the IT work that isn’t simply in response to unexpected client needs. Sounds easy enough in theory, but in practice it is challenging to do in any significant quantities. Reactive IT work…

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